About Us
©The National Holocaust Centre and Museum
The Ghetto Room in the main, Holocaust Exhibition.
©The National Holocaust Centre and Museum
Bright White filming Holocaust survivor Steven Frank in 3D for The Forever Project, which will be part of the Eye as Witness exhibition at some venues. See the venues and dates page to find out where.
Can you imagine anyone in the UK not knowing about the Holocaust?
Unfortunately, recent studies show that this is indeed the case. Some people are unaware, others deny it.
This lack of awareness and outright denial is terrifying when you consider that, put simply, The Holocaust was the attempt by the Nazi regime and its collaborators to murder all of European Jewry during the Second World War. The Nazis succeeded in murdering six million Jewish people and millions of other minority groups who they considered to be ‘inferior’. The magnitude of personal loss is impossible to fathom.
This is why the National Holocaust Centre and Museum exists. We are the only dedicated memorial, museum and centre of Holocaust learning in the UK. Our purpose is pressing within today’s society, as hate is on the rise.
©BBC website
Now, more than ever before, we need to learn from the past to protect future generations.
So, while we still can, we need capture and communicate the evidence of the Holocaust’s ultimate manifestation for today’s generation.
©The National Holocaust Centre and Museum
School visit to The Journey Kindertransport exhibition - the only one of its kind in Europe.
But how do we reach young people?
We combine world-class exhibitions and academic expertise with captivating storytelling, presentation and digital technologies. We create learning experiences that young people can recognise the relevancy of in a contemporary context.
©The National Holocaust Centre and Museum
Hip Hop Artist Kapoo and inspirational Holocaust survivor Janine Webber share her story in a multi-award-winning documentary music film Edek.
Want to find out more?
Eye as Witness is just one example of our innovative exhibition work.Our ultimate aim is to encourage people to stand-up against hate and the persecution of others. Find out more about who we are and what we do.